The Rules of Spaetime in Dimensions above Three

Tom Giles once asked me if I had tools and at that

time I didn’t because I was fifteen maybe sixteen but

he was Adam’s big brother with a new flat so he was

old and he knew things. He told us we needed tools


because we were men. He had a TV and one small sofa

in his flat, it was otherwise bare. But the tools thing he was

right about. I have tools now. You do need tools

if you are going to be a man so I got some and


everytime I did I thought ‘Now, I am becoming

more like a man, because I can fix the things that

are not working with my tools and that is why

I will be worthy of your love.’

  • Written on an online Lewis Buxton class for Poetry School an first published by Ink Sweat & Tears


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